What is NPO International Jikiden Reiki Association
International Jikiden Reiki Association is a specified non-profit organization authorized by Kyoto City.
Organization number: 4130005014664
Our organization holds various seminars, workshops and exchange sessions as a place of learning lifelong skills and to promote Reiki Ryoho for the general public.
We will conduct our work to encourage personal development and creative activities for each Jikiden Reiki Shihan and Shihankaku who are active in Japan and abroad.
Our commitment is to contribute to create a peaceful society in harmony with the natural environment by having the physical and spiritual wellbeing and happiness of each family member. Family is the basic unit of society.
On the website of the International Jikiden Reiki Association, you can find information about certified Shihan・Shihankaku (teacher・assistant teacher) who are active in various regions. Please try to find a Shihan・Shihankaku near you.

NPO International Jikiden Reiki Association Website▶︎